This year we have seen record-breaking heat waves. While experts on both sides debate the causes, the facts are clear. More and more men and women who work outside are being exposed to harsher conditions. This is especially true in the roofing, construction, landscaping, and street maintenance fields to name only a few. In order to deal with the potentially serious and even deadly effects, Cornell, like many other trades, is starting our days earlier and ending before heat-stroke or other serious repercussions impact our workers. We know sometimes this means showing up on a jobsite while it is still dark.
We hope everyone understands it’s no fun getting up at 2am but we try our best to keep our men and women safe while working so they too, can put food on the table.
Recent tragic news of a small child dying inside a van shows just how fast things can go wrong. It was estimated the temperature was over 100 degrees within 10 minutes and 110 within 20.
From all of us at Cornell, please stay safe this summer and enjoy the weather by being aware and looking out for each other.