Earth Day Celebrating 50 Years Today!

Earth Day 2020 is a milestone moment and, also about the enormous challenge we face. There are incredible and vast opportunities to have an impact on our planet and on climate change. EarthDay.Org, has distinguished climate change as the most pressing topic for the 50th anniversary.
Climate change represents the biggest challenge to the future of humanity and the life-support systems that make our world habitable.

Earth Day’s Beginning

The first Earth Day was a unified response to an environment in crisis — oil spills, rivers so polluted they literally caught fire, smog deforestation. On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans, or roughly 10% of the entire U.S. population at the time, took to the streets, college campuses and hundreds of cities to protest environmental ignorance. But they wanted more, demanding a new way forward for our planet.

Social Impact Into Laws

The first Earth Day is credited with launching the modern environmental movement. Also it was the planet’s largest civic event! The first Earth Day in 1970 launched a wave of action, including the passage of landmark environmental laws in the United States. The Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts were created in response to the first Earth Day in 1970, as well as the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Many countries soon adopted similar laws.

While the coronavirus may force us to keep our distance, it should not force us to keep our voices down. The only thing that will change the world is a bold and unified demand for a new way forward. While Earth Day may be going digital due to the CoronaVirus, EarthDay.Org’s goal remains the same: To mobilize the world to take the necessary actions to make a difference. We may be apart, but through the power of digital media, we’re also more connected than ever.

Learn What You Can Do

Today, go to: EarthDay.Org, where you’ll find hours of action in global digital content that drives actions big and small, gives diverse voices a platform and demands bold action for people and the planet.
From the Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal family to yours, be safe and stay healthy.

Covid – 19 Update From Department of Labor

From our Friends at Law Firm Seigfreid Bingham. Thank you!

#covid-19, #coronavirus, #ConstructionKCBy John Vering & Mark Opara

On March 25, 2020 the U.S. Department of Labor published on its website a Model Poster for covered employers to post, email to their employees or put on an internal or external website to meet the posting requirements under the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act (herein Act). The DOL website has a link to Frequently asked Questions about how and where to post the Notice and other options on providing it to employees of covered employers.

In addition, DOL has published Fact sheets on Employee Paid Leave Rights under the Act and Employer Paid Leave Requirements under the Act. Further guidance is contained in three Questions and Answers documents published by DOL on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, COVID-19 and the Fair Labor Standard Act and COVID-19 and the FMLA. These Fact Sheets and Guidance do not have the effect of regulations and leave a number of important questions unanswered as the April 1, 2020 effect of the Act rapidly approaches. We are advised that DOL does not plan enforcement actions against employers during the first 30 days the Act is in force as long as covered employers are making good faith efforts to comply with the Act.

Where else can I get more information and updated information?
We encourage you to keep updated on the latest developments and guidance being provided by DOL and other federal, state and local authorities including but not limited to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, and the Kansas City Missouri Department of Health. Regularly review the websites noted above, our firm COVID-19 Resources page and, and the CDC’s Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers. Another valuable resource is the National Governors Association website which provides valuable resources from every state on COVID-19 and steps employers can and should take to deal with this pandemic.

This article is general in nature and does not constitute legal advice. Please note that the Families First Coronavirus Act presents many novel legal questions, and we encourage you to seek legal advice for the application of this and related laws to your specific situation and please note that legal requirements are changing on a daily basis. Readers with legal questions should consult the authors, ([email protected]), Mark Opara ([email protected]) or any other shareholders in Seigfreid Bingham’s Employment Law Group, including:, John Neyens, Brenda Hamilton, Shannon Johnson, or your regular contact at Seigfreid Bingham at 816-421-4460.


Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal’s First $25K Sponsorship Goes to The Builders’ Association Scholarship Foundation

At the recent 2019 Kansas City Builders’ Association Annual Dinner, Cornell’s President, Mary McNamara, continued Cornell’s tradition of community and construction #KCBuildersAssociation, #2019KCBuildersAssociationDinner, featuring, #CommercialRoofingCompaniesKC, #CornellRoofingandSheetMetal, as Top Sponsor, #NRCA, #NAWIC #RoofingMagazine, #SnipsMag, #Nice-KC #KCindustry support. “I am proud Cornell is able to give back by contributing our first ever $25,000 donation to The Builders’ Association Scholarship Foundation,”

Mary added, “Our recipient is a very deserving young man, Ethan Wegner.” Missouri Governor Mike Parson was on hand to meet and congratulate the recipients, including Ethan.

A Gold Sponsor, Cornell supports The Builders’ Association as well as many other trade and civic causes. The Builders’ Association Scholarship Foundation, established in 1994, was first discussed in 1990. The Foundation is designated by the IRS as a 501 (c)(3).

This year, there were many deserving recipients who, with their sponsors, were recognized at a special pre-dinner photo shoot.

The fund now exceeds $1,000.000 through the member’s generous donations. Mary added, “This is one of many very important construction trade efforts to introduce, inform and engage the future leaders of our industry.”

One of the biggest challenges facing many industries but especially the Construction Trades, is the lack of an available work force. The nationwide network of trade groups and organizations is doing more than ever to address this pressing issue. Many young people just don’t realize the many benefits available by joining a trade. From a good starting wage to healthcare and insurance support, today the trades look little like the days of old. OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Act was only signed into law in 1970. Since then, the impact on the safety, training and certification of workers has been critical in changing the whole complexion of the trades. For more on OSHA, go to:

If you would like to contribute to The Builders’ Association Scholarship Foundation, please contact Tony Drees for more information.

A Good Year for Cornell

As reported in an earlier post, 2019 was a good year. The Cornell Roofing and Sheet Metal team put a heavy focus on job-site safety, which resulted in ultimate success. This was a year of one of our lowest percentages and a reduction in the rate by which companies’ premiums are based.

With the start of a new year and decade, Cornell is proud to announce ZERO incidents in 2019! President Mary McNamara commented, “Safety is more than a word at Cornell. Keeping our people safe is a mindset.” McNamara added, “ I am very proud of the continued focus on safety and the fact that we attained this great result.”a good year

With Fall Protection the #1 OSHA Standard violated, Cornell’s mantra is: “No one gets hurt today.” Mary added, “At Cornell Roofing and Sheet Metal, we will continue to invest in the time, training, certification support and latest safety equipment needed to help keep our people safe.”

To all the Customers, Trades and Suppliers, Cornell wishes you all a safe and prosperous 2020!


Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Cornell Roofing Continues Its Support

Today marks the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. However, breast cancer does not stop on the 31st. It is unrelenting. In 2019, an estimated 268,00 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women in the United States. In addition, an estimated 62,930 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer will be diagnosed. Men get breast cancer as well, adding another 10%¹.Breast Cancer Awareness in Commercial roofing and commercial Sheet Metalkansas city

Incredibly, one in eight women in the U.S. will develop breast cancer in their lifetime and it’s estimated 41,760 women will die, THIS YEAR ALONE¹.

With over 3.5 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S., there is hope. 62% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed at a localized stage for which the 5-year survival rate is 99%¹.

Cornell Roofing Continues Its Support

At Cornell Roofing and Sheet Metal, we have long been active supporters of Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA). For the month of October, the staff and crews have been wearing our custom BCA shirts out on the job sites to show support, build awareness and help keep breast cancer top of mind in the Greater Metropolitan Kansas City area.

Breast cancer is one of the top types of cancer for women in the United States, all the more reason to get involved and help spread awareness of this terrible cancer. Many of us know or have a loved one who has or had breast cancer, both women and men. We also know early detection is one of the keys to fighting breast cancer, so please be proactive.

Cornell’s Mission

Part of the Mission of Cornell Roofing and Sheet Metal is to continue being an active participant in local, regional and national support groups and charities. We urge everyone to consider what they might do to also get involved.

As you can see, the Cornell Roofing team was again, as we are every year, all-in on this important mission.


¹National Breast Cancer Foundation:

EXPO EXTRA! Take Home This 55″ 4K Smart TV TOMORROW!

Kansas City Commercial Roofing


Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal wants to give YOU a brand-new TV at The Builders’ EXPO.  Just stop by booth #70, drop in a card and you could walk out with the perfect addition to the favorite place in your home. Remodel not included!

Wishing All a Joyful New Year!

dreamstime_s_104396482In 2017, Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal celebrated its 90th Anniversary and we will continue that celebration into 2018! We have much to be thankful for and sometimes, in our busy lives, we forget to stop and take time to reflect on all that has been good and joyful during the past year.

90-years_3_pt2We especially want to thank all our wonderful customers, for without your support and confidence in our ability to deliver on our promises, there would be no 90th Anniversary! We have a great family of team members who work hard, sometimes in sweltering heat or darn right cold conditions, always focused on our Mission to “Consistently deliver the highest quality commercial roofing and sheet metal products and services in the Kansas City region.” Our vendors, subs and the cooperation of other trades also plays an important role in our success and for that we thank you all. We also have celebrated new little ones entering this world, new team members and of course, the lives of friends and family we lost this year.

So, from our family to yours, let us raise a glass as we ring in 2018. To all who have been a part of our lives this year, “Here’s to your continued Health, Happiness and Success in 2018 – CHEERS!”

The Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal Family

Find Us at the NRCA Convention and Trade Show in Las Vegas

National Roofing Contractors Association

Find Us at the NRCA Convention and Trade Show in Las Vegas

This year, the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) will be hosting its 130th Convention and Trade Show in sunny Las Vegas, Nevada!  The NRCA has been the professional voice of its 3,600+ members in the roofing industry since 1886. NRCA is the leading authority in the roofing industry for information, education, technical assistance, advocacy, publications, programs and support that help businesses in this industry grow.

Members of the Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal team will also be attendance. During this week-long event there will be workshops and training for top staff; new products, equipment, and processes to review and much more! Cornell takes continuing education and certification seriously. As we celebrate our 90th Anniversary in 2017, we are dedicated to remain at the top as an industry innovator in the greater Kansas City area commercial roofing and sheet metal industry.

NRCA’s 130th Annual Convention will be held at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas Feb. 27-March 3, 2017, in conjunction with Informa’s 2017 International Roofing Expo® (IRE).

“It is the premier event for roofing professionals and industry leaders to learn new strategies, discover innovative solutions and share best practices. The convention and expo offer cutting-edge educational sessions, inspiring messages from keynote speakers, and an exposition featuring the latest roofing innovations and networking events where attendees have the opportunity to build valuable contacts.”

You can learn more about the NRCA and the perks of membership by visiting their website,