Risky Business: Slacking on Roof Maintenance

Maintaining the roof of a commercial property is an essential aspect of building management. In our nearly 100 years in business, Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal has seen (and repaired) just about every roofing issue you can imagine. Aside from selecting a knowledgeable and reliable contractor in the first place, regular preventative roofing maintenance can save you a lot in the long run too. Scheduled maintenance can help prolong the lifespan of the roof, reduce the risk of costly repairs, and provide a safer environment for occupants. Here are a few reasons why preventative roofing maintenance is crucial for commercial properties.


Firstly, regular roofing maintenance can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems. A small crack or leak in the roof can quickly worsen if left unaddressed, leading to water damage, mold growth, and structural issues. By regularly inspecting the roof and fixing any issues promptly, property managers can avoid more significant and expensive repairs down the line.


Secondly, preventative roofing maintenance can extend the life of the roof. A well-maintained roof can last significantly longer than one that is neglected. Commercial roofs are a significant investment, and regular maintenance can help property owners maximize the lifespan of their roofing system, ultimately saving money in the long run.


Thirdly, regular roofing maintenance can provide a safer environment for occupants. A damaged or poorly maintained roof can pose a safety risk to employees, customers, and visitors. By ensuring that the roof is in good condition, property managers can mitigate this risk and provide a secure environment for everyone.


Lastly, regular roofing maintenance can help property owners comply with building codes and regulations. Many municipalities require commercial properties to undergo periodic roof inspections and maintenance to ensure that they meet safety and environmental standards.


Signing up for a program, such as Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal’s Roof Maintenance Program is highly recommended for mitigating risk. By proactively maintaining their roofing systems, property managers can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems, extend the life of the roof, provide a safer environment for occupants, and comply with building codes and regulations. Ultimately, this can save property owners money and protect their investment for years to come.

For information about Cornell Roofing and Sheet Metal, visit www.CornellRoofing.com or call 816-252-8300.

Women in Construction

Each year in March, the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) designates a week as Women in Construction Week™, to promote the role of women in the construction industry. As a woman-owned and operated company, Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal knows first-hand the value and importance women play in our industry.

Overall, women accounted for 14% percent of the entire U.S. construction workforce in 2022, per the Washington Post. This number has been steadily growing over the past few years. This growth can be attributed to several factors, including the industry’s increasing demand for workers, industry-wide efforts to remove hurdles and actively recruit more women, as well as expanded skills training and education.

The construction industry is also leading the way for pay equality. On average, women in the U.S. generally earn 82.9 percent of what men make. In construction jobs, the gender pay gap is significantly smaller, with women earning 95.5 percent of what men make on average.

To learn more about events and activities happening during Women in Construction Week™ March 5-11, 2023, www.wicweek.org

For information about Cornell Roofing and Sheet Metal, visit www.CornellRoofing.com or call 816-252-8300.

Commercial Roofing 2023 Outlook

2023 is underway and we’re ready for a busy year ahead at Cornell Roofing and Sheet Metal. We are working on and planning out commercial roofing projects in academic, industrial, healthcare and government sectors to fill the calendar. Despite ongoing challenges with inflation, staffing and the supply chain, the commercial roofing industry overall is booming. In fact, industry research indicates the global commercial roofing market is expected to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 6.2% and reach $15.15 billion by 2027. 

This continued growth path for commercial roofing is likely a big reason the Associated Builders and Contractors’ Construction Confidence Index increased from 56.8 to 59 for sales projections and from 50.5 to 52.3 for profit margin expectations in last month.


Like many other colleagues in the industry, here at Cornell Roofing and Sheet metal, we are planning out 2023 with plenty of optimism. We’ve weathered many economic ups and downs over the past 96 years. With our strong leadership, smart business practices, and commitment to our customers and crews, we are confident in our ability to continue to rise above well into our 100th year and beyond.


To learn more about Cornell Roofing and Sheet Metal, visit www.CornellRoofing.com or call 816-252-8300.

NRCA: A Voice for the Roofing Industry

The National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) has been a central source for roofing industry professionals for information, safety, education, advocacy and technical resources since the organization’s beginnings in 1886. Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal is a proud member and knows the value they bring for giving our company and trades professionals a voice in our industry.


The NRCA has over 3500 roofing industry members spanning all 50 states and 53 countries worldwide. To ensure they are addressing critical issues impacting the industry, as well as the concerns of manufacturers, distributors, consultants, and contractors like Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal, the NRCA recently launched their One Voice initiative. The ultimate goal of this effort is to unite and support the long-term success of the industry and NRCA members.


Organizations like the NRCA are driving advances in the roofing industry. Here at Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal, the resources and support we receive from the NRCA helps us in our efforts to continually improve safety, quality and service to our customers. We believe by working together, we can continue to drive improvements that will sustain our industry for generations to come. 


To learn more about Cornell Roofing and Sheet Metal, visit www.CornellRoofing.com or call 816-252-8300.

High Points: 2022 Project Review

Looking back at 2022 has us thinking “wow! We did all that!?!” This year sure had its ups and downs, and brought new challenges. But in Cornell Roofing and Sheet Metal’s 95-year history we’ve become pros in perseverance, while always sticking to our values of delivering nothing less than excellence for every customer on every project. 


As we close out 2022, we’re showcasing 12 of those projects (in no particular order). These buildings span diverse uses and diverse areas of the Kansas City region – and we’re proud of them all!

Giving Thanks

In our 95 years of business, there has been much to be thankful for, but this year we’re overflowing with gratitude at Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal. For one, celebrating 95 years is a feat in itself. We are thankful for all the skilled trades people, customers and partners who helped grow Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal into the company we are today. 


That leads us to our Owner and President, Mary McNamara. Under her leadership our company has grown exponentially. She has been bravely battling breast cancer this year, while still managing our operation with the support of our phenomenal leadership team. We are thankful for their guidance, collaboration and for Mary’s good prognosis looking ahead to healthier days.


We are thankful for our crews. Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal has the most talented and dedicated skilled trades professionals in Kansas City and we’re proud to have them on our team. Their commitment to delivering excellence for our customers on all our projects is unwavering. Kudos to you all – and a sincere thank you.


We are thankful for our customers and partners! Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal is fortunate to have wonderful relationships with so many Kansas City companies and organizations, as well as national groups. We are thankful for the trust they put in us to get the job done – and done right.


We are thankful for our vendors and suppliers. Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal works with only the best and most trusted names in the industry. With their support, we are able to ensure top-quality for our customers.


We are thankful for our community. Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal has always been committed to giving back and supporting our community. But this year, so many community members have stepped forward to show their support for our Owner/President Mary McNamara in her fight against breast cancer. This means the world to not only Mary, but to all of us who work alongside her. Thank YOU for showing us you care. Together, we are making a difference.


Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving. 

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Since 1985, October has been recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Cornell Roofing and Sheet Metal has participated in events and efforts to raise awareness in years past, but this year the commemoration holds extra significance for the team. This summer, our Owner and President, Mary McNamara was diagnosed with breast cancer and is currently undergoing treatment. Mary’s prognosis is good and she is a fierce fighter. All of us here at Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal are looking forward to Mary’s full recovery.

This month, we celebrate breast cancer survivors and those with breast cancer and encourage them to share their stories. We also encourage you to take action to protect your own health and support efforts to raise funds for breast cancer research and other related causes. True to Mary’s generous spirit, she has initiated an effort to give back, even during her own battle. Mary provided special, limited edition t-shirts to the team and is donating all proceeds from sales of the shirts to KU Cancer Center to support research. You can purchase a shirt or donate online at https://im4.8d3.myftpupload.com/breast-cancer-awareness/.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a chance for all of us to take time and acknowledge those men and women whose lives have been affected by breast cancer. For additional resources, visit the National Breast Cancer Foundation at https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/. Together, we can knock out breast cancer!

Celebrating Skilled Trades Professionals

The third Friday of each September is recognized as National Skilled Tradesmen Day. This year, that lands on Friday, September 16th. Skilled trades professionals deserve much more than one day to be celebrated. At Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal, we value our skilled crews and the dedication they bring to each project, every day.

The contributions these men and women make in our communities is beyond measure. Not only do they work hard to build and maintain the buildings, homes, other facilities and critical infrastructure systems we all use and benefit from, but their skills also keep us safe and drive our national economy.


Now, more than ever, there is a demand for skilled trades professionals in our workforce. Construction industry experts predict a shortage of skilled workers by 2050 (if not sooner). Currently, for every three skilled trades professionals retiring, only one joins the workforce. When there are not enough skilled trades workers, construction slows, putting a drag on economic development. 


Join us in celebrating the skilled trades professionals in your life. Let them know how much you appreciate their contributions. Encourage young people to consider a career in the trades. It can be a rewarding career path with many benefits, and one where you can see the impact of your work daily.


To learn more about Cornell Roofing and Sheet Metal, visit www.CornellRoofing.com or call 816-252-8300.


Business as Usual – A Message From Mary

As many may already know, Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal’s Owner and President, Mary McNamara was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and is currently undergoing treatment. Her prognosis is positive and, if you know Mary, you know she is a fighter who will fiercely battle the disease. Mary remains engaged with the business even during her treatments (no surprise there!), but is putting Senior Vice President, Paul Coussens at the helm to fill in when she is not available.

See below for a message from Mary McNamara on the support she has received and her commitment to ensuring “business as usual”:

“The past few weeks have been a whirlwind. I am humbled by the outpouring of support and kindness I have received from my team, our customers, our vendors, the community and so many family and friends. It truly makes this difficult journey easier. I intend to battle breast cancer every step of the way and get back to business quickly. In the meantime, I am appointing Paul Coussens, our Senior VP, to oversee daily operations during times when I am unable to attend to business. Paul has been with Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal since 2012 and has the in-depth knowledge and expertise to ensure and maintain the company’s high standards of excellence for project management and customer care.

I want to thank our amazing, dedicated team at Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal. You are all valued and appreciated. We are a family and that means the world to me. Thank you for doing what you do, and all the support you have given me. I have a job ahead of me to beat this thing and you have yours to take care of our customers. Now, let’s get to work!”

5 Ways to Keep Your Cool

Summer heat is no joke. Working in glaring sun and high humidity is a grind for all construction workers, but working all day on the roof of a commercial building usually means limited to no shade and intensified temperatures. Taking precautions to ensure our crews are safe in all types of weather is a priority for Cornell Roofing and Sheet Metal. Here are five tips to keep in mind as the summer heats up this year.

Use Sun Protection

Application – and frequent reapplication – of a high SPF sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) is recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation and American Academy of Dermatology to reduce your risk of burns, skin cancer and other damage. UPF clothing for construction workers is also available and can help keep you cool while providing protection from harmful UVB and UVA rays.

Hydrate, Hydrate & Hydrate Some More

Be sure to drink plenty of cool, plain water throughout the day. Sports drinks can be good for helping replenishing electrolytes too. Avoid sugary, caffeinated drinks, as they can dehydrate your system and work against you. 

Eat Right

After working in the heat, heavy meals usually don’t sound appealing. They take longer to digest and can make you feel sluggish. Go with lighter meals and plenty of vegetables to give you the energy you need to get through the day.

Take Shade Breaks

Five to 10-minute breaks in the shade can help keep you from dangerously overheating. If you can find a spot with a fan or in an air conditioned space or vehicle, even better! 

Been on the Lookout for Heat-related Illnesses

Heat exhaustion can kick in when the body loses too much water and salt. Even more serious is heat stroke, when the body can no longer thermoregulate. Both conditions are serious. If you or any of your co-workers experience the following symptoms of heat stroke, you should seek immediate medical attention.  

  • Severe headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle cramps
  • Seizures
  • Red, hot, dry skin
  • Lack of sweating
  • Rapid heartbeat 
  • Shallow breathing
  • Confusion
  • Loss of consciousness

Stay safe and keep an eye out for your co-workers as the thermometer rises this summer. For more information on Cornell Roofing and Sheet Metal’s safety practices, visit https://im4.8d3.myftpupload.com/safety-policy/.